03-03-1929 Handgemeen tussen vader en dochter Alida


14-03-1929 The Tampa Daily News, Thursday  | aangeklaagd en op borgtocht vrij 

Attack Case against Consul postponed
The hearing of Jean R. van J. Blinck, vice-consul from the Netherlands, accused in an information several days ago of assaulting his daughter, Mrs. Alida Blake, 3001 Chapin avenue, has been advanced by Judge W. Marion Hendry, of the court of crimes, to March 21, it was announced today.
Mr. Van J. Blink is at liberty under a $250 bond set by Judge Hendry when a capias was issued for the consul’s arrest.
It was intimated by an attorney who posted bond that the consul will seek diplomatic immunity.
The alleged assault occurred on March 3, when Mrs. Blake went into van J. Blinck’s yard to turn off a water pipe. 


15-03-1929 The Tampa Tribune, friday  | voorgeleiding 

Dutch Vice-Consul Posts Bond on Assault Charge
John R. Blink, known as Jean R. van Julsingha. vice-consul here for the Netherlands. charged with assault and battery for an alleged attack on his daughter, Mrs. Alida Blake, 3001 Chapin avenue, posted bond at the  sheriff’s office yesterday for a trial in the court of crime, March 21. 

According to an information filed by County Solicitor Chancey. the alleged attack occurred on March 3.
It is charged the consul struck his daughter with a small signboard when she went on the premises of his home, a short. distance from her own home. 


21-03-1929 The Tampa Daily News, Thursday  | vrijspraak

Consul Found not Guilty in Attack case
Jean R. van J. Blinck, vice consul from the Netherlands, charged with an attack upon his daughter March 3, was found not guilty by a jury in the court of crimes today.
The defendant took the stand in his own defense when the trial opened this morning and denied hat he had attacked his daughter, Mrs. Alida Blake, of 3001 Chapin avenue.
Mrs. Blake, testified, however, that she had been badly bruised on the arm and struck in the back with a signboard during an argument in the yard of her father’s home. 

Other witnesses testified that van Blinck attacked Mrs. Blake when she walked into the vice consul’s yard and uprooted a small sign posted there to warn trespassers. 

At the conclusion of the examination of witnesses, counsel for the defense moved for a directed verdict of acquittal on the grounds that van J. Blinck was protecting his property.
The motion was denied and attorneys began their arguments shortly before noon.
The jury was out only a few minutes. 




Terug naar Jan Blink in Tampa